Friday, November 10, 2006


I spent a day at the University of Oxford - here I am at Christ's Church College. My first missinoary companion in South Korea and good friend, Christoph Luschin, recently graduated from BYU in the spring, and is currently studying history in the masters program at Oxford. I went to visit for the day and loved the feel of one of the oldest 'College Towns' on the globe.
Christoph and I attended 'Formal Hall' in the evening. Americans who have seen the Harry Potter films will know this - every night a dinner is served at the individual colleges, with students seated at long tables and professors dining at the front of the hall. We enjoyed a good meal and some good conversation with some of the other students. I tried on Christoph's robes and bow tie that Oxford students wear for the matriculation ceremonies. Below is a picture of a local pub where certain famous literary figures would 'hand out' and discuss their novels. Parts of Oxford still feel medieval, and it was a memorable experience to visit one of the most enduring educational institutions in the world.


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